I always knew my little guy was funny, but sometimes he is just too funny for his own good. Here are a few moments from the past week that had me laughing.
First my dad and his workers came over to help me with a few things around the house. Eli LOVES to work with Papa he thinks he is a big boy and an even bigger helper.

Next funny thing was the other day my mom and I went to lunch. Since she likes to sit in the backseat with him she was kind enough to help him put his shoes on...except she didn't get one on all the way! Poor guy kept walking around with his foot half out, and didn't fuss or anything. I finally noticed and said mom why is his foot so pink? Why is he walking like he is drunk. It was so funny because he just kept walking in circle talking. I think he was trying to tell us! My mom and I were laughing so hard because he just kept jabbering and walking around us.

Now for the best...which I saved for last. Every morning I go around my house and clean and pick up things. Eli usually follows me around but is a few steps behind most the time. Well one day I noticed he wasn't keeping up very quick so I figured he got himself into something. I could hear some movement in my room so I peek around the corner and found this....

Poor kid got stuck in my shoe box...I of course instead of helping him out ran and got my camera and got a few pictures and this video where he tells me he is stuck. It was funny because the second I walked in the room Eli said STUCK....STUCK!!