On Friday October 17th Jacob and I had a very fun Halloween activity filled day. We woke up and I told Jacob I was going to take the kiddos down to the Pumpkin Patch before we went to Rawhide that night. Jacob informed me I could not go to the Pumpkin Patch with out him. Jacob rushed to the office got all his work done then hurried home so he could go with us. While Jacob was at work I recieved a call from my cousin Brett and he was wondering if we could watch his two youngest children that afternoon. I of course said yes...I love every minute with those Brewer babies. Once Jacob got home from work I informed him that instead of 4 children we would have 6 today. As we loaded up the car I looked back and I said to Jacob (who wants 6 children) this is our future and today is our test. So off to the Pumpkin Patch we went.
We started off with a little photo session with the pumpkins

Aly and Ethan

Austin, Aly and Ethan

The Ash Family

When I was about a year old there is a picture of me sitting on a pumpkin I of course had to get one of Eli. (he is such a chunky monkey in this picture I love it)

Laney and Jesse
**Editor's note Laney and Jessee did not get their pictures taken with the pumpkins because Jesse did not want to and they were in strollers so we were not going to fight them about it.**
After our little photo session we went into the park and played on the toys which included a jumping gym, some blocks and a play house. We also picked out tiny pumpkins and each child decorated them There was a petting zoo, which for me was really gross because everything seemed so gross and dirty. I guess the dirt does not bother the animals so I guess it can't be that bad. After the dirty stinky animals we went on a hay ride. Since Eli was asleep ever since we started decorating the pumpkins and Layne was afarid of the tractor, Eli, Layne & I stayed back and did not go on the hayride.

Here are the kiddos and Jacob getting ready to go.

Here they are all finished with their fun ride.

After the hayride it was off to the maze. Aly was very serious about this part. They did get through very quickly, but there was also a time when they seemed lost for a second or two.
After the maze we thought we had enough of the heat and dirt and it was time to head home. I must say it was nice to go and have fun, bu this place is really for really small children. As for Jacob and I with all 6 children we did great and Jacob still thinks 6 is the magic number for us, I think the jury is still out.
After the pumpkin patch we met up with the rest of the Gilmore's (minus Chase) & the Navarro's (including Aunt Cyndi Porter) at my parents house and headed off to the western adventure that is Rawhide. Stephanie said that I-10 was really bad because of an accident and was closed in some places. We figured the 202 would take us around this problem. The 202 worked great except it started to catch up with the bad traffic from the I-10. since I was familar with this area (I coached out here) I told them to drive forward. That seemed to work great only for a short while because other people seemed to have the same great idea as me. Then I noticed that middle wall on the freeway was down and we could easily change directions and get on the I-10 with no waiting. So we did it!!
Once we got to Rawhide right way we started to enjoy everything that we saw. I was excited to see the headless horseman so we took a picture of him. Immeditally I noticed all these little spots or orbs around him. During Halloween last year John Jay and Rich had people send in pictures of these scary orb things saying they were ghosts. After looking at my picture and thinking of this it totally freaked me out!!

This is our scary orby picture. We thought it was our camera at first so we took another one.

2nd Scary orby picture. I then thought no maybe there is something wrong with my Camera so I took a picture of my sister Stephanie.

Hmmm no orby scary things...so then I thought it was just my camera and we went back for another picture.

Ok now I am sold there are crazy ghosts at Rawhide. Look at me in this picture I look a little scared. Now at this point we are all wondering if there are scary orbs around us. So Tobi asked me to take a picture or her.

Nope no crazy things. Oh wait is that one in the corner? Jacob sees this and wants to make sure nothing is floating around him. So of course a picture of Eli and Jacob was taken next.

I don't really see as many as before but there is one in the top right...yikes

Now for Jerel and Ethan. Oh my goodness!
After we were finished with a fun pictures with scary creepy orbs we decided to go see what else Rawhide has to offer. We bought passes for everything and we were off. We started the night with some Donkey riding.

Austin's Burro was named Bert. So whenever we would get seperated we would call one another. Most the time the person would say, "We are over riding Bert."
I am not really sure what Ethan is doing in this picture, but it is still funny none the less.
There was also a hunted train ride, a mechanical bull and a stage coach ride. I did not get pictures of the train but here is Noah, Cyndi and Eli on the stage coach.

We went in the two haunted houses they have there and we had a blast. In the first one there are all these black curtains you had to walk through and all the sudden these light black clothed people would jump out at you. One of them figured out my name (curtisy of Jacob) and it was so creepy because the whole time each one would keep saying my name. In the 2nd house I accidently said Jacob's name so in the 2nd house they kept saying his name. Oh yeah and the 2nd house was super creepy because there were these clowns. My sister for sure didn't like that so she tried to get away from them but the scary clown on stilts chased after her. Also at the end of each haunted house there was a chainsaw. We knew they were there so we all were confident that we would not be scared by either one of them...NOPE we were wrong. Each haunted house we came out running very quickly. It was so much fun!!!
**Editors note Ethan at the small age of 5 went in the 1st scary house, and Aly at only 10 went in both.