On Christmas Eve we went to Jacob's parents house for dinner. Every year Linda makes homemade pizza crust and we all get to put toppings on them. The pizza's are delicious and it is a lot of fun. This year Fred and Laura came with Tressa and all her family that was in town. We had fun with all the conversation and food.
Daniel and Jacob putting toppings on a pizza.
Fred, Tressa, Laura, Daniel, Cecil, Linda and Eli eating and talking.

Eli, Stacy, Tressa, & Laura

Ash Family

After eating we took turns on the Segway.

After dinner with the Ash's we rushed over to the temple to meet up with my family. We watched Jordan Bluth sing. He did a wonderful he has such a wonderful voice. We looked at the lights for a little bit then we headed to my parents house.

Every Christmas my parents get us new PJ's I forgot to get pictures of Jacob and I in ours but here is Eli in his PJs. Stephanie picked them out she thought they were perfect because they had little monkey's on them and she always calls Eli a little monkey.

Once everyone got to my parents house we got all the Gilmore's and Austin and headed out on a little adventure. Jacob and I earlier in the month contacted our bishop and asked him if he could give us a family in the ward that needed help for Christmas. We got them new clothes, toys, and family games and wrapped them up for what he hoped would be an amazing Christmas for this family. Since, they lived in an apartment and we didn't want to get caught delivering the presents we took as many people as we could to drop them off quickly. After looking for the apartment (which seemed like forever) We all grabbed arm fulls of presents and headed to their door. On our way to the door Jacob (who was leading everyone) says, "that's them!" I looked ahead and there were two people walking right past us. We all froze hoping they wouldn't see us. Lucky for us they just walked right into their apartment and didn't see us. PHEW!! We all talked for a few seconds wondering if we should take the presents now or come back later. We decided to make a mad dash since we knew they were home and we were worried earlier that they wouldn't be. As we were walking up to their door we were all joking that we might get caught at the door putting the presents down and what we would do. Aly had the best response. She said we would just have to pull a Madagascar. I guess in the movie one of the creatures got caught and they said you don't see anything moving their hands in circles. Right then we all bust up laughing...PHEW lucky for us they did not hear us.
We set down all the presents I banged on the door has hard as I could really loud, and we all took off running. The Gilmore's and all the kids ran one way and Jacob and I ran another. (We wanted to try and see them open the door). As we are hiding around the corner Jacob said, "Stacy you forgot to leave the money." I looked down and saw the money envelope I forgot to put down. We start laughing again, because we have no idea how we are going to get them the money with out getting caught. Since this family has never seen me before I did a casual walk by and I could hear the family moving in the presents and all their fun comments. So we waited for them to finish and then Jacob dropped the money at the door, knocked and ran again. Lucky for us all three times we never got caught!
We woke up at about 6 am and started opening presents. We had a lot of fun and we all got some exciting things...

Aly and Ethan getting things out of their stockings.

Austin with his stocking

Eli's first present!

Eli really liked the ribbon on the present.

Buddie got tired from all the excitement.

My mom got Eli these little wind up toys he loved them. We would just wind them up and he would watch them and try to get them. I loved this picture because of his cheeks

Mamo and Papa getting cuddly.
Jacob surprised me big time this Christmas. Since we decided to get Christmas for another family we were not going to get presents for each other. I ended up buying him some special running shoes and some clothes for it that he had wanted. So I thought he was going to get me a present. On Christmas morning he told me that he forgot it and that I couldn't have it. I was sad. Then a few seconds later my sister goes Stacy here is a present for you from Santa. I looked over and I saw the wrapping paper is from our house and I knew it was from Jacob. I opened it up and I saw this beautiful necklace. I loved it. I wanted to put it on so I went and got scissors to cut off the tag. The tag was so close to the chain and to make a long story short I cut the chain!! I ran into the room where everyone was and I was almost in tears when I told Jacob what happened. He was such a sweetheart and didn't even get mad at me. I kept saying, "leave it up to me to want something for two years and then when I get it ruin it after only 10 minutes!!"
About 30 minutes go by and my sister said Stacy there is another present here for you. I looked and it was the same wrapping paper. I was confused because this time the box is pretty big. Then she handed it to me and it was really heavy. I looked at Jacob totally confused but I started opening it. I soon found out why it was heavy; because Jacob put a bag full of change in there to confuse me. I looked closer and I saw another jewelry box and inside was a ring I have wanted forever!!! I went CRAZY!!

For some reason I can't get a good picture of it, but isn't it so pretty!! I never got a picture of the necklace, but they match so picture this but as a necklace.
After we finished opening presents we had a delicious breakfast with my family and then we all took naps. At one o'clock we headed over to Jacob's Aunt Tressa's for her yearly Christmas party, where we ate and had a white elephant gift exchange.

Here is some of Jacob's family as we are waiting to start the game.

Tate, Fred and Jacob waiting for the game as well. We ended up winning a razor scooter and a $25 gift card to Home Depot.
Over all our Christmas was amazing. We had so much fun with family. The highlights of Christmas for me were...
Giving the presents to the other family
Spending time with our families.
Having a sweet baby boy to share Christmas with this year.
All the yummy food.
Jacob's sweet and thoughtful present to me.