5 years ago
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
First Day of School - Take One
Today was Eli's first day of school. We got him up made him yummy exploding egg (eggs over easy) per his request. Eli picked out his outfit, received a wonderful blessing from his dad and we took pictures for memory purposes. I can not tell you how excited Eli has been for school to start sometimes he makes me drive by her house and he gets even more excited because it is blue. So Eli is smiling from ear to ear as we drive up to the school. As we pull up I see I am the only one there. Weird. Then the gate was closed and the door was locked...hmmm maybe I am early. I call Jacob and check the time he heard they match, however I am worried, because where are the rest of the kids? I rush over to Linda and Cecil's since they live in the same neighborhood. Well, it turns out school doesn't start until Thursday! OOPS! Poor Eli. He seemed to handle it well and said he wasn't mad at me. I think it was a nice distraction we were at Nana's instead of home. We played at the the Ash's for a little bit then Eli went to his sports class. I wanted to start him in sports but I thought he was still small so I thought a PE like class would be great. I was right he loved it. At least the day wasn't a total dud.

Friday, August 26, 2011
Utah Day 5 - Discovery Gateway
Today was a chill day for us in Utah. We got up took our time. I did some cleaning and packing then we head out to Discovery Gateway. Eli and Liam had a lot of fun at this place. When you first walk in they have this giant beehive that you came put these balls in and they get sucked up by vacuums and go all around the room. The boys loved this room so much they could have stayed there all day! Liam also found a horse he liked to ride and he threw the biggest fit over me taking him off of that. The boys had a lot of fun exploring and learning. We then ate lunch a head home for NAPS! Yes we all three took nice long naps this afternoon. Since we have been here teh boys haven't had a decent naps so I could tell they were happy to be home.
After our naps I saw Nathan (Jacob's cousin) in the backyard so I went and talked to him. He played with Eli for a while when he woke up then I thought I should take the boys to dinner. Since the Petersen's (Jacob's aunt and uncle) had been so helpful to us I invited them out to dinner with us. I have to say I just love this family they are so funny and cute! I think we would be super lucky if our family was like theirs. After dinner I rushed home to get dressed for Aubrie's wedding (this was the whole reason I was in Utah anyway) Ashlyn came a picked me up. We were a little early so we stopped to get some yogurt. We just sat chit chatted and then headed to the wedding. As we were pulling in we say Annie leave (too bad she didn't see us). We went in the wedding and Aubrie was so pretty and her new husband Miah was such a gentlemen. Aubrie has always been really cute and super trendy so I felt like I stuck out among her friends. None of the other room mates we able to make it so Ashlyn and I just hung out at the wedding then headed home. I didn't get home too late as we had to get up pretty early cause the boys and I were headed home the next morning.
Returning home...
The ride home was super easy. I even pushed the stroller and all the luggage while Eli just walked acorss 6 lanes of traffic. Also I was in terminal two so I had to walk through both terminals before a I could ditch my luggage. I over heard this lady who say me say look at her she is talented. I must say at that moment I sure felt talented.
The flight was pretty simple too not one peep from my boys. My dad was awesome and picked us up and then Jacob came home later that afternoon. Overall the trip to Utah was a success and A LOT of fun. Hopefully if money permits. We will be going back next year.

After our naps I saw Nathan (Jacob's cousin) in the backyard so I went and talked to him. He played with Eli for a while when he woke up then I thought I should take the boys to dinner. Since the Petersen's (Jacob's aunt and uncle) had been so helpful to us I invited them out to dinner with us. I have to say I just love this family they are so funny and cute! I think we would be super lucky if our family was like theirs. After dinner I rushed home to get dressed for Aubrie's wedding (this was the whole reason I was in Utah anyway) Ashlyn came a picked me up. We were a little early so we stopped to get some yogurt. We just sat chit chatted and then headed to the wedding. As we were pulling in we say Annie leave (too bad she didn't see us). We went in the wedding and Aubrie was so pretty and her new husband Miah was such a gentlemen. Aubrie has always been really cute and super trendy so I felt like I stuck out among her friends. None of the other room mates we able to make it so Ashlyn and I just hung out at the wedding then headed home. I didn't get home too late as we had to get up pretty early cause the boys and I were headed home the next morning.
Returning home...
The ride home was super easy. I even pushed the stroller and all the luggage while Eli just walked acorss 6 lanes of traffic. Also I was in terminal two so I had to walk through both terminals before a I could ditch my luggage. I over heard this lady who say me say look at her she is talented. I must say at that moment I sure felt talented.
The flight was pretty simple too not one peep from my boys. My dad was awesome and picked us up and then Jacob came home later that afternoon. Overall the trip to Utah was a success and A LOT of fun. Hopefully if money permits. We will be going back next year.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Utah Day 3- Alpine again
Today we spent our entire day in Alpine again. Since we missed the Dino museum yesterday we tried it again today and it was much better. I guess for the month of August it is only $2 to get in on Tuesday's instead of the regular $10. Huge discounts like that bring TONS of people! Today was very nice and not nearly as busy so we could go as slow and as fast as we wanted with little to no fuss. Ashlyn and her two kids met us there. Gavin even got to come because he wasn't feeling well this morning, but got feeling better to join us. We went around the museum which was really big and had a lot of dinosaurs. It had a spot where you could dig for some which was cool because all the sudden Eli had a little plastic dinosaur toy he was playing with that he found in the sand. There was another spot where you could dig in real sand a look for bones Liam actually walked around and tried some, but he wasn't a big fan of the sand. The museum also has a science area to play around in and a space hallway which was really cool. Eli and even Liam liked just standing in there. Another exhibit the kids liked was this Giant great white shark. It was huge and it looked like it was coming after you. Liam was scared at first, but then tried to crawl it it's mouth!
After hanging around the museum for a while we ate lunch and then played in this water thing. It wasn't like a splash pad. More like an art piece and you could pull buttons and it would shoot water. The kids just loved this and we honestly just stayed there while the kids played for a few hours. Ashlyn and I loved it because we got to just sit and visit while the kids played. Gavin, Eli and Bella became really good buddies. After a while Ashlyn and I noticed the kids were laying out with some girls on the concrete. It was so cute it looked like they were tanning or making new girlfriends, but they just said they were trying to dry off. They have out free ice cream to 3 and under so we got ice cream cones enjoyed them in the sun, then we went on a little walk to some fountains. The kids like exploring in there for while. After our walk we continued walking around some shops and we found a cute little store that kept the mom's and kids entertained.
After spending 5 hours at Thanksgiving Point we decided it was time to move onto the next thing. Bella's birthday party is Friday and Ashlyn had some things to do to get ready for her party so we went to Hobby Lobby to help them out. The boys ran around with swords fighting the whole time Liam included. It was cute, but after a while the kids were just to crazy. I figured it was a good time to head home so after Hobby Lobby we drove home. Tonight for dinner we went to the pizza factory. The boys chowed down on everything they could get their hands on while I enjoyed their salad bar. I found out on this trip that I liked Pickled Beets...who knew! After dinner we came home took baths and the boys went straight to bed. They went to bed really easy because of all the energy they used up. Today was another fun and eventful day and it would have been perfect if Liam and Eli didn't have diarrhea. Yep that right we were out and about doing all these wild things and Eli and Liam were running to the bathroom or getting diaper changes ever few minutes! They were good sports and very very happy. We are really enjoying our trip to Utah and we are excited for our adventure tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Utah - Day 2 in Alpine
Today was a more simple day, but it was fun just the same! We started out by taking things a little slower this morning eat a nice slow breakfast and just taking our time playing around the house. We left here around 10:30 and headed for Thanksgiving Point. It is supposed to have this really cool dinosaur thing that Eli is really excited about. We got there and the place was packed. I should have known better because I was going to go there today because it was a cheaper rate. However I think everyone was interested and so the place was too packed for us. We met up with my friend Ashlyn and her little girl Bella. We decided to grab lunch a go to a play place. While we were there Eli and Bella bonded very quickly and Ashlyn and I got to visit a lot.
After lunch we went to Ashlyn's house. Her son Gavin has a lot of trains and Eli loves trains so we went there to look at all the train sets. Eli and Liam loved playing with Bella at her house. After a little while we headed to Ashlyn's parents house where we picked up Gavin from school and then let the kids play some more. Eli even got to watch the movie RIO which he really seemed to like. After spending some wonderful time in Alpine the boys and I headed back home around 6:00 pm. On our way home we stopped got some food and ate it at grandma's on the trampoline. Eli thought that was pretty cool. After eating the boys played for a bit then it was baths and off to bed.
Daniel just stopped by and visited for a bit. We are going to Alpine tomorrow to try the Dino thing again and maybe see Daniel again. So far Utah has been a wonderful experience and we might just come back next summer.
p.s Last night was all most perfect except not one but both boys feel off the bed! It was crazy I think it more scared them then hurt them because they both went right back to sleep.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Utah Day 1 --Logan & Temple Square
This morning the boys again proved to me what angels they are and slept in until just about 9 am! They NEVER do that so I know they knew their mom needed some rest so they let me sleep in. Once we finally got up we got dressed at some breakfast and then got ready to head over to our friend Cindy's house. We got to Cindy's house and saw her cute little apartment and Eli and Liam got right in playing with Lyla toys. Keirsten got there with her little girl Carly and we were off to Logan. Logan is about an hour and half drive from where we were so I was worried how the boys would do but Liam when to sleep and Eli watched a movie.
Once we got to Logan we went to a park to meet up with our Friend Annie another one of my room mates for Snow Hall 505! Annie is a school teacher in Logan so we only got to visit with her for a few minutes before she had to go back to work, but it was nice to see her for even a short amount of time. After the park we went to lunch a Fredico's pizzeria. Cindy and I used to eat there all the time so it was memory lane for us all the way. After a wonderful lunch we decided to head over a walk around the Logan temple. I just love this temple and it is so pretty I took a few pictures with the boys. We really did enjoy our selves while we were there and as we were leaving Eli looked up at me and said, "mom, I LOVE the temple!" He melted my heart. Next we headed to one of my favorite views of Logan. It has this nice park beach that looks over the cache valley and right in the center is the temple. We went there and looked around. While we were there Liam was one the ground playing and out of no where he just starts laughing a super hard belly laugh. Cindy then points out that Liam has a grasshopper and is playing with him. Liam really loved it and would just scoop it up. We figured after all that fun in Logan it was time to head home. I had so much fun in Logan and now I remember why I have such fond memories. I really missed Jacob while we were at the Logan temple, but I know that one day he would love to come back a visit with me. The ride home was super fast I don't know how I got home so quick and neither one of the boys made a peep the whole way!
When we got back to grandma's we ate a little snack and played on the trampoline. Then I decided it would be a good idea to go to temple square walk around and then get some dinner for FHE. So that is what we did Eli and Liam walked around temple square so happy. They loved the flowers and water and standing on the ledges. We visited the visitors center because Eli was so sad he couldn't go in the temple so we went and saw a replica in the visitors center. He really liked that. Then we ate some dinner at the Blue Lemon. It was pretty good, both boys seemed too really enjoy it. the lights changed colors in there so Eli was entertained by that. The last stop of the night was the church history museum. We went a played around in the children's section. Eli loved seeing the boat Nephi built. There was even a little section where you help build the boat and he thought that was extra cool that he could help. We stayed there a little to long, and Eli still didn't want to leave. I kind of had to drag him out, but it was past bed time and I was getting tired (as I am sure the boys were too) Today was an absolutely wonderful day!
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