Things have been going really really well. Eli runs up to me and says, "Mommy it's coming!" Then we all run to the bathroom and Eli goes potty. I would have said he is officially potty trained however this morning he hid in my parents closet and pooped. Actually he probably pooped then hid in the but either way it was so gross I just threw the undies away. I told Eli that I had to throw away Nemo which made him pretty sad. Then I put Walle undies on him and said Eli here is your robot friend we don't pee on our friends. Don't pee on your robot. He thought this was very interested, but he went with it. Now I say this often to him and he says it to be randomly. He looks at me with his big blue eyes and says, "mommy we don't pee on our friends!" (like I said earlier what ever works!)
A new things that has started because of the potty training his Eli no longer likes to wear clothes. I can occasionally get him to put a shirt on, but normally that is even a no go. Eli also found his race care boots and wants to wear them everywhere. Eli also makes me wear my boots everyday because he likes it that I have boots too. Then he thought the world was complete when I showed him baby brother had boots too!
5 years ago