Jacob and I are officially the proud parents of 2 wonderful little boys. Little William Bryant Ash (aka Liam) was born May 29th. It has been such an adventure and the story starts Friday morning....
I woke up Friday a happy camper because at 3 am I started to have contractions and I was ready for my little guy to be in my arms. I wiggled and squirmed through contractions until around 5:30 and woke up Jacob I no longer wanted to do them alone. He was excited too and just layed there and talked to me. Around 6:30 I got really sleepy and thought I should sleep so I would have energy to push out this baby I already knew was a big boy. I was surprised to see that I could even fall asleep and I did until 8 am. I had two more big contractions and then NOTHING. The only good news is my Mucus plug came out (oh my gross) but it was progress and that is what I wanted. We decided that I needed to get up and moving to keep things progressing so we made plans to go walk around Bass Pro Shop and the Mall. We meet at my parents house around 11:00 and waited to Daniel to get done at the MVD. We decided it was better to eat and went to Olive Garden. After Aly, Ethan, Steph, Eli, my mom and I all went to the mall and Daniel and Jacob went to Bass Pro.
We did a lot of shopping at the mall. I walked around as much as I could and did a lot of lifting of Eli hoping each step and each lift brought this little guy closer to showing up. We almost were done at Dillard's when I noticed I started having this really sharp long pains. They were not contractions like with Eli, but they hurt and they were consistent. Aly really wanted to go to Tinkerbell and look for some jewelry so we walked to the store and while we were there I started feeling like I couldn't handle standing anymore. I finally decided it was time to get off my feet for a few seconds. When Steph and Aly were done I went to stand up and hand MAJOR pains. We headed towards the food court for a little treat. While they stood in line I headed for the bathroom. Once I got back I felt it was time to head home. I either needed to rest or this was getting close. We started to time these pains and realized they lasted between 30 & 45 seconds and were 3 to 5 minutes apart. I still wanted to go home even though my mom and sister thought I should head to the hospital...I just really wanted to shower. We headed home and called Jacob.
My mom dropped my off and my house and took Eli with her to her house. When I walked in my front door I was having a contraction. I saw Jacob jump up he was so happy like me this was finally happening. I took a nice long shower to try to relax and Jacob timed my contractions. They were consistent and strong for over an hour keeping pace so we thought we could head to the hospital since I had been doing this for at least 2 hours. We started to drive and realized in between contractions I felt 100% fine. I was worried we were headed there too early so we decided to pray what we should do next. I thought we should turn back and check on Eli and then we could go. So we did my whole family flipped when they saw me in the front door. My mom and sister couldn't believe I had not headed to the hospital yet. I then noticed the contractions we really painful and I was ready to go so we finally decided it was time to get to the hospital.
We parked walked to check in and they got us in triage right away (way faster then with Eli) then they asked me questions checked me and I was 5 centimeters dilated and 90% effaced. I heard them call doctor Huish who then wanted me sent to a delivery room. They put in my IV and sent me to my room (again much faster then with Eli. Jacob and I were so happy I didn't have to sit in the hall like last time. When I got to my room and lady walked in who looked way too familiar I looked and her and said, " Is your name Candy?" She replied. "yes" I was so happy this was the same person who gave me my epi last time!! She was great I loved her and I loved using my joke about Candy hooking me up with some nice candy!! Candy didn't fail me again 3 more contractions and that part was over...or so I thought. They checked me I was about a 7. This seemed to be the magic number because with Eli I got stuck here and Liam was the same. The nurse pretty much told me the doctor was not going to come unless my water broke. I knew my water wasn't breaking with out the doctor so now it was just a waiting game. I sent my mom and sister home around 1 am. Jacob and I tried to get some sleep. Around 3 am I woke up shaking really bad. I had been shaking the whole time, but now it was really really bad, and I was actually in pain. The nurse checked me I was an 8 and he was much lower, but no water breaking. The nurse said my water was so tight but it just wouldn't break and my Epi was wearing down so they got me some more, and about an hour later my body started to relax. Even though I was not feeling each contraction my body was still going through them and had been for hours...it was done!
Around 5 am my sister came back and my mom showed up shortly after that. The nurse checked me again around 6 while she was checking me I heard a balloon pop and my stomach instantly felt better. My mom and my sister was like what the heck was that. The nurse informed them my water broke and man did it my stomach was half the size. Oh yeah Jacob totally missed it because he was walking the halls. He was so bummed because he told me several times he wanted to watch that! Right after my water broke the nurse started getting everything ready for delivery. Dr. Huish showed up around 6:15 and checked and said it was time to get ready to push he just needed to go check on one more patient while they finished getting everything ready for me. At 6:30 he left and the nurse who was supposed to get off shift at 7 kindly said,"You have 29 minutes to have this baby out." Dr. Huish came back a few minutes later Liam was here at 6:55 a.m. They said I only pushed for 15 to 20 minutes which is a million times better then Eli's hour and a half!

William Bryant Ash "Liam"
born May 29, 2010
8lbs 6oz
20.75 long
Has dark curly hair, long skinny fingers and toes
Things I want to remember...
I was wheeled to my room where Eli was waiting to see his brother. I was quickly over came with emotion as I showed Eli his new baby brother. Eli smiled and just looked at him. At the hospital Eli was overwhelmed with everyone around but wanted to hold him and kept saying baby brother over and over again.
To say that Jacob has been amazing would be an understatement. He was met every need the boys or I could possible need and then some. He has been so attentive, kind, tender and thoughtful. I am constantly reminded of what an amazing man I am married to!
My mom and sister have been so excited about Liam's arrival they stayed by my side and cheered my on. I can still hear my sister cheering my on and talking to me. It was very helpful. For Steph to tell me I am doing great meant a lot cause she is a champ when it comes to delivering babies.
My water breaking....the sound, the crazy pressure relief, and how much my mom and Steph thought it was crazy. I remember looking at them and their eye were huge like what the heck was that! My mom said over and over again I will never forget that!
Liam was covered in this white creamy stuff. It is normal to have some but Liam had A LOT! Dr. Huish said that was very good, but that there was a lot of it. Also his umbilical cord was crazy think and blue. Which made me feel good knowing he was super healthy inside me.
When I was in the shower trying to relax with crazy contraction Jacob came in and said, "Stacy I know this is bad timing but I really want to try and think of another baby name." I was thinking WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY! Instead I said ok and figured he could name names and I would just answer. Finally Jacob realized that William Bryant was the perfect name for our son and so we decided to stick with the original. After hours of Jacob saying tons of names I really DID NOT like.
While we were waiting the on Friday night my Dad came to see him. We were all visiting and I wanted something out of my bag. Jacob was getting it out and my dad asked what outfit we had for Eli to come home in. I told him it was pants with a shirt and on the shirt there was a little whale. Some how that made Jacob think we should name out little boy Johna. I don't know why but I thought that story was really funny.
After the birth I wanted to get in the shower. Liam and Jacob were asleep so I was going through my bag alone. Inside I found one of Eli's toy trucks. It was his favorite. It made me smile and laugh because Eli did his part in helping us pack. What a thoughtful little boy!
After you give birth your second time your contractions afterwards are pretty painful and they keep you on patocin for 2 more bags. It is very painful. They say with each child it gets worse and worse. So next time I am going to quickly ask for crackers and get pain killers. I really did not enjoy that part.
At one point in the night I woke up and my whole body was shaking. My body shakes a lot when I am in labor but this time it was out of control and I was shaking so much it was hurting me. My body was also freezing so much it was hurting me. I finally woke up Jacob for support. He was so kind and just sat there by my side trying everything he could think of to try and help me. Finally I just held his hand and he comforted me and I really started to calm down and feel better. I am so glad he was there, I don't know how I could have done that with out him.
It was very peaceful again when Liam was born. I was more focused and aware then with Eli. I think with Eli I was shocked a little and unprepared, but with Liam I seemed more ready for everything that was coming. I just wanted for so long for that little boy to be out of my body and in my arms. It was so wonderful when it finally happened.
Everytime I saw Eli he was dressed in the most random stuff. When he came to the hospital he was wearing shorts that were for 6-12 month currently 2T is a little tight. When my mom dropped him off on Sunday his shirt and shorts were both ripped and they has no idea how it happened...nice.
Oh yeah and I can't for get the breakfast burritos. Jacob loves them so much so every morning we are in the hospital Jacob has one and every time he talks about how good they are.