Thursday, January 28, 2010

18 Months

Eli turned 18 months on Monday which means several things; first my baby boy is officially a year a half, second he can officially go to nursery (even though he has been going for a month now) and last time for another well visit and stats. I took Eli in for his well visit yesterday and everything went great. He was fine with everything except for the one shot at the end. It seemed to have hurt his feelings more then the actual physical pain. We did get a Barney sticker on the way out which he did enjoy looking at, but not letting it be on his shirt.

Eli's current stats are:
Weight: 27 lbs 12 oz ~ 75th%tile
Head: 18. 5 ~ 25th%tile
Height: 32 1/4 ~ 50th%tile
***Notice*** Eli's height is actually shorter then it was at his 15 month check up. No my son is not shrinking. The doctor said at 18 months it is very hard to get an accurate reading since they are moving around so much. I could tell when the girl did it she wasn't even close so I guess I just have to let it go...even though it is driving me nuts. Maybe I will try and get my own height info later when Jacob is home ***
Things I want to remember...
  • Eli is such a funny boy. He has always been a great eater, however his eating habits recently have gotten a bit weird. He basically will eat anything, and by anything I really do mean it. Some of his favorite things to sneak are toilet paper or paper towels. He chews his blankets when trying to get to sleep, and my chewing I mean ripping bites off like he is eating a slim jim! Ever since we have been catching him do this we joke our son is a goat, and sometimes I even catch myself calling him goat boy!
  • He loves trucks, cars, animals, and making noises for all of them. He can pretty much tell you what most animals say however sometimes he gets some animals mixed up when they start with the same letter.
  • Eli has recently gotten on a wonderful schedule. We read our Book of Mormon (the one with pictures for kids) say our prayers, and then I give him his night night (his blankets he chews on) finish with a kiss and I love you and he goes to bed. He was killing me there for a few weeks waking up at 5, but lately he has been waking up at 7:30 WONDERFUL!! He is also taking a two or three hour nap every afternoon...YES LIFE IS GOOD!
  • He copies a lot of what we say. A good example of this is recently Jacob and I bought the new Mario Brother's game and have been playing it a lot lately (that is for another post) Whenever Luigi dies and you give him more lives he says, "I'm back!" Which you hear Eli say a lot now.
  • He does say a few sentences. Mostly, "No no Daddy!" or "Walk door!" (meaning lets go out the door for a walk) Any way it is fun to see him picking up on words, and other things.
  • When he wants Buddy or his truck to follow him he turns around and calls their name bends down a little and smacks his knees...I guess I must do that when I call Buddy!
  • He loves to be outside. He now is in this phase where he grabs your hand and tries to walk you where ever he wants to go....which is usually out the front door. It is really cute. The other day Eli went with my dad to Austin's pinewood derby and my dad said he kept grabbing all the ladies hands so they would take him the places my dad said he wouldn't go...oh that cute boy!
  • His favorite show is still Sesame Street...which he calls Elmo and then dances. However he recently found Barney and likes that a lot too. He is only allowed an hour and half to two hours of TV so I try to space it out to when I need to get something I have to admit I love those shows too. Oh yeah and he still loves the movie the cat in the hat which Jacob just hates.
  • He loves music and dancing and whenever he hears it singing he tries to sing now too.
  • He has been going to nursery for a month and has truly loved it. We have loved it too! One day after church I went to pick him up when he saw me it was total delight on his face...on of my favorite memories of all time! In nursery he loves being around the other children and singing!
  • He enjoys drinking a lot. I always say I would drink my calories, and I guess Eli is the same. Allison would joke that Eli was diabetic so she had me worried. I asked my doctor and he said no way he is growing so much. I guess I will just have to take Allison's teasing.
  • He loves picking up the mail and going to the park so we basically do both those everyday. When we go to the park he likes the slides the best, then he likes running up and down the hill and then making me do it with him.

I am sure there are many, many more things to remember, but that is all I can think of for now. All I can say is I sure do love being a mom to this little boy!

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