The week before I took these pictures I didn't really feel like I had a bump yet. Then all the sudden it was there. It was exciting, but it freaked me out at the same time.
These pictures probably don't really show how much I have grown, but when I look down at my tummy I can totally see a difference. Also I have filled out more around the middle rather then going forward...I guess this is what always happens first.
Things to remember....
1.There are so many things that happen to your body that no one talks about. When I first got pregnant I bought like 4 books and even in these books they don't fully talk about everything. So needless to say there have been surprises for me along the way. Here are just a few...
- Pink brush- 1st off I was already worried about my teeth for obvious reasons (vomiting, brushing induced vomiting & so forth) so I was really freaked out when I spit and my tooth paste was all pink. Upon inspection I realized my gums were bleeding. I did this for about a week stressing that I had some sort of gum disease...then I found out what it was. Apparently in your 1st trimester the amount of blood in your body doubles. Then it doubles again in the 3rd. (this happens to help with the baby and to deal with the loss of blood during delivery) So when I was brushing my teeth the pure pressure was just pushing the blood out. TOTALLY NORMAL....if you are pregnant. My moms would bleed even when she was not brushing so I consider myself lucky.
- Pregnancy stupidity- I did not see this on coming but I have officially become less smart while I am pregnant. No this is not an excuse but an actual thing that happens to pregnant women. Apparently your body becomes so focused on the baby you don't really think of much else. Even if you don't realize you are pregnant! I would describe this as walking around in a foggy haze. I remember before I knew I was pregnant I was talking to Jacob's brother Adam and seriously having a hard time keeping up with the conversation. I remember thinking this exact thing "I don't remember it being this hard to talk to Adam". Haha now looking back I think it is hilarious and makes more sense. I have good days and bad days with this one, but seriously overall my IQ has gone down several points. The trust question is...Does it come back?
- Obviously your body changes while you are pregnant. Now the books do talk about this stuff and try to help you be prepared, but women themselves NEVER talk about this. I obviously won't talk about them but I was surprised none the less.
2. The next thing I am going to share is most likely my favorite pregnancy memory so far. For some reason smells the never bothered you before, and you probably loved are now your worst enemy. Well I have this going on big time and one of the things that I can not stand is Jacob's deodorant. I used to love the smell but when he would comes near me now I seriously just start dry heaving. It made me sad because this started to bother both of us. So one day I spent like 30 minutes in the deodorant aisle at Target with Ethan picking out new deodorants that might not bother me so much. I bought like 3 and after a few trial runs NONE of them helped. Finally I said to Jacob I wish you could wear mine because it obviously doesn't bother me. Jacob laughed at this idea. Well after one long volleyball tournament I came home to a very happy Jacob. After talking to him for a while I realized his smell wasn't bothering me anymore. It turns out Jacob did use my deodorant that morning and actually liked it. Well now Jacob wears Secret deodorant so he can be next to his wife for the next 4 months.
3. Now here is a memory that isn't so cute. For some reason when you a pregnant you get leg cramps while you are sleeping. I kept waking up sore like I did a really good leg work out and I wasn't sure why. Then that week in my book it talked about how you get cramps for no reason in your sleep. Well they have progressively gotten worse. I actually have to jump out of bed like two times a night. They are bad, but once I put some weight on it the pain immediately stops.
4. I have had two official crying breakdowns that while I was crying I was thinking why am I crying...I honestly couldn't stop. The first was while I was suffering from morning sickness and I knew I had to eat something but I physically could not make myself. All the sudden I just starting bawling that I was going to be a horrible mother because I wasn't feeding my baby!! Now I realize the baby was taking everything from me and he was just fine. The 2nd time was Jacob grabbed my sides to give a hug and said "Wow you are starting to grow" oh man that opened the flood gates. Needless to say I am positive Jacob will never say that to me again. I am also starting to get sad when watching some random tv, but don't worry I have been able to hold back the tears.
5. The newest thing that the men in Jacob's family like to do is make jokes like I am gaining weight and not just pregnant. They all think this is so funny, but honestly I don't think I like this joke. It doesn't make me cry and I get why they like to do it but this joke I hope starts to get old.