The next day we slept in when to another diner which was pretty good. We did some shopping then we met Davina and Irek at a street market and got some yummy food. After that Jacob road bikes around Manhattan (which he loved but said it was pretty wild) while Davina and I went shopping on Canal street. We conveniently ran into Ashley, (Davina's sister and my good friend as well). Then we met their friend Grace for dinner and it was so yummy I have no ideas where we went to eat but it was so good and it was not expensive at all. Jacob and I quickly fell in love with Grace she was in charge of ordering the food which was wonderful and she was a lot of fun to talk to. The conversations in New York are so much fun. We honestly had some of the best talks with them. After dinner Davina and Irek headed home while the rest of us headed out for desert. We ate at this random place, but it was yummy and we sat and visited a little longer.
The next morning Jacob and I slept in a again (see wonderful vacation) ate breakfast and then we went our separate was he went to a movie and I went to the baby shower. The weather was crazy and this huge storm rolled it. I was carrying this huge box and walking in the horriable slushy storm. I then realized I was lost and called Ashley. I finally found the right way and was almost there when I realized my box was pretty much in shreds so I ditched it and stuffed the present in my purse. Once I finally got to the shower I was a wet mess, but once I got there we had so much fun. I meet a few more of Davina's wonderful New York friends, and then we drove back into the city. We went to go get Jacob and headed out to eat Indian food. We met up with Grace again and we ate some of the most amazing Indian food ever. Everything there was vegetarian, but it was so good and we loved it. Just writing about it is making me crave it again. After dinner we stuck with tradition and went to another restaurant for hot chocolate and desert. We again had some great conversations.
The next day we were leaving but we still had some time so Ashley came in town and we got some food hit up some more stores and just walked around. Ashley and Jacob were like two little peas in a pod, both of them liked the same things...they were hilarious! Then we headed home it was a wonderful trip.
p.s the picture of the dino was for Liam and the picture with Optimus Prime was for Eli. One this I didn't mention that we did was eat A LOT of pizza we had it like once or twice a day. It was an awesome trip!
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