So I should not be surprised that my boys caught on to the trick or treating very quickly. Liam figured it out after the first house and was more then happy to go to the next in hunt for some more candy. He would then grab the candy out of his bucket and suck it through the rapper (if I wouldn't open it for him) I eventually gave in and opened anything he handed me. My boys didn't rush to each house either they would stay and chat with the people one door and had to almost drag them away because they had a dog just like Marley (and Marley is currently lost again!)
Eli wasn't really scared of anything but Liam would get scared of some of the more jumpy things. Eli walk up to a really really scary house it had fog tons of scary monsters and one person dressed like a really scary troll that you could hardly see. Then you would have to reach past him for candy in this big pot. Eli walked up to the troll said, "Hi Monster!" Then reached right past him for the candy and then said, "Thank you Monster!" Liam went for the candy and was brave ONLY if I was holding him.
Speaking of scary houses ours was scary too. I tried to take video since pictures didn't work but it was too hard to see anything on both. Jacob did such a wonderful job spooking up our house. We had a strobe light, fog machine, and music playing. Jacob dressed up like Jason and then we also had some skeletons screaming, ghost swinging across and a man that would jump up at you. We gave out Candy, toys and homemade creme soda. Jacob would hold a basket of the toys and then scare the kids once they got too comfortable. I honestly don't know who loved it more Jacob or my boys!
Aly, Ethan, and Stephanie went around with us. Aly and Ethan are always something scary. This year they did a super good job. Liam only went around one block then we went back to the house. He had about half a bucket full. Eli went with the Gilmore's across Lindsay and didn't come home until around 8:30 or 9 with a full bucket and huge smile. He had so much fun and Stephanie said he just loved talking to everyone.