Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's 3:30 do you know where your Children are?

Today we had a little scare. I was cleaning up my house around 3 in the afternoon. I walked by the front door just in time to see a firetruck go down the street followed by some police cars. Then I saw them turn down my sister's street. I started to freak. I run up the officer and asked him which house it was. He said it was the one at the end of the street. My sister's house shares the end of the street with one other house. I ran to my house and called my sister. I asked," are your kids home?" She said, "I don't think they are home yet?" I asked her if the police have called her yet. She said to me no. I then said a house on her street was on fire but they won't let me go down the street. She said she would call her son Chase and I was then tried to get the officer to tell me more. It was crazy because men with camera's were already there before I was so the cop wouldn't tell me anything because he was worried about the press. Finally he realized that I was legit. He asked me what my sister's address was so I told him and he said it wasn't her house. WHAT A RELIEF!
I waited outside for the kids so I could bring them in my house since they couldn't go down their street. We stayed out front watching the 15 firetruck and dozens of police cars. It was sad that someone home was burning, but Eli and Liam really liked all the action going down our street. To be honest the older kids liked watching the emergency cars too. Austin made friend with the police officer so he let the kids play in the car. I took pictures of all the kids and mailed them to their parents. It was pretty funny!

I really like how Eli was scared in the car...The kid already gets that's not a place he wants to be.

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