In honor of Saint Patricks Day we had a green breakfast, with green eggs and ham. I love Dr. Suess so we read this book all the time. Eli got very excited when I showed him the eggs. He said I would eat them in a train or on a plane. I laughed and then started to ask him if he would eat them other places and he always replied yes. So then I figured we would play a little game. I took him around and we ate our eggs like in the book, but Ash style. Here is how it went....
Would you could you with a bear? Would you could you in a chair?

Would you could you in the grass? Would you could you with a little sass?

Would you could you on a car not going very far?

Would you could you in a tree? Would you could you with a bee?
(bee not pictured, but there was really two in the tree!)

Would you could you with your mother? Would you could you with our brother?

Would you could you standing on brick? Would you could you with a stick?

Would you could you on the ground? Would you could you with no sound?

Would you could you by a bush on your tush?
Would you could you in a house with out a mouse?
(At least I hope there isn't a mouse)
The answer to all of these was yes obviously, however when I asked him if he would in the street on his feet. He replied NO!! CARS ARE COMING!!
p.s we even changed Eli's shirt this morning so no one could pinch him! I think today is going to be a fun day.