Sunday, March 14, 2010


Saturday mornings I usually spend with my mother. We run around doing whatever we need to do that weekend, then she leaves to work at the temple and I go home to spend time with my husband. This Saturday we were going to be watching the Gilmore while Steph and Jerel caught a session at the temple, so I had a full day planned. My mom and I ran to Wal mart to get some plants for some pots, and some toys for the sand for Eli. My car couldn't fit everything so my dad came and got some of it, and we headed to my parents house. Eli feel asleep so I figured I would leave the car on while I unloaded then just head home. As I got out of the car I closed my left ring finger in the door!

Not only did I close it, but I closed it so much that I had to reopen the car door to even get it out. I called to my parents for help. I was hunched over in pain and then rain over in a panic thinking something was wrong with the baby. I quickly showed them my finger which was quickly filling up with blood. We decided I needed to go to Urgent Care. My mom took me and my dad stayed to take care of Eli. One the way to Urgent Care I called Jacob to tell him what happened and he got in his car right away to come meet me. Once Jacob got there my mom left and Jacob and I wait 2 hours to see a doctor.

I should have known I had a bad doctor the second he opened the door and both Jacob and I could not understand him! He then wanted to send me for X rays I said I thought I couldn't do that because I was pregnant to which he replied, "Oh you are pregnant?" That should have been my second clue this was not going to end well. He said he was going to poke me to help relieve the blood pressure (basically this is what was hurting the most by now my finger looked like a purple golf club). He showed me this thing that he was poking me with and it had fire coming out of it...I FREAKED!! He poked me with it, no blood so he poked me again or no blood so he did it a third time. I screamed each time. By now he said oh it will just slowly leak (maybe my 12th clue he was not the best doctor). We paid $75 buck and went home.

My finger still didn't leak so we called Adam to only confirm not only did he do it wrong, but even used a tool that is supposed to go through your nail...not the back of your hand. Needless to say I did not want to go back so we just figured we would keep in contact with Adam. End result a very purple painful fractured finger.

Things I want to forget BUT should remember....

  • NEVER go back to that Urgent Care. I already had one bad experience...this was the second. Chase also had this SAME bad doctor who said his arm was fine only to find out it was broken!
  • Don't close your finger or any other part of your body in a car door...which I know, but I need to be more careful.
  • Maybe the doctor is not the best option for injuries like this, and let it heal on its own...which I have basically done except pay a bad doc $75!!

The first picture is before seeing the doc the 2nd is after...see not a good doctor!!!

These pictures don't make it look bad but trust me it was huge, black and painful.

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