Valentine's Day is by far my favorite day of the year. Jacob knows that this day is very very important to me so he always tries really hard to make sure I have a wonderful day. Well this year he did such a great job. I felt special from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed. Our day started off with a Jacob getting me a flower arrangement. He wanted to make his own unique arrangement, he was upset because it didn't turn out like he had planned, but I loved it. Then we made our favorite breakfast together...Egg Sandwiches. Jacob also squeeze oranges for fresh squeezed orange juice.

After breakfast we got dressed and went to my favorite nail place. I received and pedicure and a manicure, while Jacob enjoyed getting his feet rubbed. I should have taken a picture of my pedicure, but I hate feet so that picture would always bother me. You will just have to take my word for it that they turned out really cute. After our Pedicure's we went to the mall to play with Labrador's. Jacob really wants one, but I am not ready yet so this is what we do instead. I don't know why but the dogs always love me and try to jump on me even though I have no interest in them. After the mall it was lunch time so we went and got the lunch buffet at Peter Piper. I know this part isn't very romantic, but Jacob loves pizza. Plus ever since I have been pregnant I just love their sauce there. Basically Peter Piper makes us both happy.
After lunch we were both kind of sleepy so we went home for a short nap. Which ended up going to long and we almost missed our doctor's appointment. This really stressed me out but we ended up making it and we enjoyed hearing the babies heart beat again. We set up our next appointment on March 13th at the appointment we will find out the sex of our baby!!! We can not wait. Sticking with the baby theme we left the doctor's office to go see the movie Juno. We both thought it was really cute. I have been trying to get Jacob to see if for a while so I am very glad he finally gave in. Here is a picture of us at the theatre.

I know this day sounds really long but I promise it is almost over...After the movie we went a got flowers for our mother's. Jacob also bought some movies. (I love Valentine's Day and he loves movies) He took the flowers to our mother's and they both just loved them. They have bloomed since then and they seriously are so pretty I just love them. Finally it was time for my favorite part of the day...Dinner at AH SO. Yummy! We have gone there ever year since we have been together. We both love the food and entertainment so we always look forward to dinner. This year we had Elliot & Cami Caldwell, Charles & Carly Hutchinson and Stuart Malnar & his date Heather Bolter. The funny thing is Stuart told Heather she wouldn't know anyone at dinner. So he was surprised to find out that Heather and I went to High School together. We even played volleyball together sometimes. Her family is also in our ward now!!!! Talk about a small world.

Even though the doctor said I could have a little bit of cooked crab I chickened out at the last second. I didn't want to take any chances.
Here is Elliot and Cami they got married in April 2007. Elliot and Jacob are business partners.
This is Charles and Carly. Jacob and Charles served as mission companions in Ecuador and now they are in our ward too!!! They are also working with Jacob looking for the 1st home to buy.
This is Stuart and Heather. I still can't believe what a small world it is.
Here is our Chef. I took this picture perfectly. I thought it turned out funny. Since I took the picture he thought it would be ok to tease me the rest of the time. Plus he gave me extra shrimp and said it was for my little baby. I thought that was cute but I did not eat the shrimp. I was still too scared. (I don't have a big belly yet, he only knew I was pregnant because I told him my meat could not be red) After dinner we went home and just was a perfect end to a perfect day!!
Thanks you so much honey!