Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Funny little things

Eli can say such cute and funny things. Here are some of his latest...
  • Jacob and I really like the show the office. Jacob has a season pass set up for the show and it records it pretty often. Well one day I heard Eli talking but I wasn't sure what he was saying. Then I realized he said, "where did Michael go?" I then looked up at the screen and it was the office playing. Eli was wondering where Michael Scott went who is one of the characters on the show!
  • Another funny story comes from "the office" story as well. One night Eli wanted to watch a show and since he hadn't watched any TV that day we let him. Normally we ask him what he wants to watch then we say, "Elmo Barney or Word World?" Well this time Jacob and I added or Michael. Eli paused thought about it and then said, "all Done Michael...Barney" It was so funny!
  • I was reading the scriptures with Eli the other night. Currently we are reading the New Testament. We were reading the part where Jesus taught his disciples how to pray. I showed Eli the pictures and asked him what Jesus was doing Eli replied, "praying." I said very good and continued reading. Eli then pointed to a picture on the next page and in a loud happy voice said, "AMEN!" I looked at the pictures and it was of Jesus when he was calming the seas but his hands were up in the air like what Eli does when he says Amen.

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