This morning I stopped by my parents house, and since it is October break my nephew Ethan and My niece Aly were there. I was working on the computer and I hear Aly and Ethan playing on their Nintendo DS. At first the playing starts our cute, with I will help you and protect you. Then things progress to little arguments over who gets what shell...or who knows what. Finally out of the corner of my eye I see shoving and hear them both yelling. Debbie and I let this go one for a little while, but then it started to drive us nuts. We start warning them that if they keep fighting we are going to have to make them stop playing. We obviously were asking to much and we had to take the games away. The following pictures can tell you the rest you need to know.

long time no see?? how have you guys been? cory and i are getting ready to move into our new house!!!!! i cant wait. it should be the end of oct. we'll see! you guys will have to come and see it. maybe a dinner with us and sarah and chance? we'll talk about it when it gets closer. :)
I can totally see Aly and Ethan doing that. Oh, Sat. I had to work and I was ticked that I couldn't make it. I called to see what time it was at and maybe make it, but then we got busy (of course) and I couldn't come. How was it? We need to get together sometime and have dinner or something. Oh, Chance said he was finishing our back yard this week so maybe we can have a BBQ and go hot tubbing. (ya, we have one) How did I know you were going to ask that? I swear I'm psychic. J/K Talk to you later.
That seriously is my brother and husband. Last night my brother (who is 19 and leaving on a mission in 2 1/2 weeks) spent the night at our house. He stayed up till 7AM playing x-box!!! I swear my husband would have stayed up all night too if I would have let him. hahaha. It can get pretty out of control :)
that's hilarious. good parenting skills. you already got it in you for when you start your family someday. :)
Vidoe games aren't just bad for kids... My husband gets playing them and I cant tear him away. I use to come home from work and he would have a bunch of friends over playing xbox upstairs on the projector and when they heard the garage door they all would come running down and jet out the door! Saying see ya Jo! It was so funny! But Devins Xbox broke so that kind of took care of the problem. They are so addicting. Has your V-ball camp started yet?
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