Some of you already know about the on going battle in our home about which type of dog to get. Our problem lies in the simple fact that Jacob loves BIG dogs, and I love little ones. Since we both can't agree on a dog to get we are dogless right now. I was reading the news today and I came across this picture of the worlds smallest dog & the worlds tallest dog. I thought this picture perfectly showed the issue we are having. Jacob obviously likes the dog on the left, and like the dog on the right. Needless to say we want be getting a dog any time soon!

What happened to Buddy??
No, that was Brock's dad who had the hippie comment :) I have to tell you that I understand your "war at home". Brock and I have been duking it out over the same issue since we've been married. I argue for the teacup Maltese while he fights for the Huskie...and on and on and on....
Stacy and Jacob Ash oh how I love you...how are you?? Ben and I are living in Queen Creek. Thank you for your comment, I wish I could do a whole lot more to my house, but I can only do so much. Being financially responsible is no fun, but I guess it is the right thing to do. I love the little dog/big dog pictures; it is true what they say that pictures are worth a thousand words. I hope you two work it out, because I am pretty sure you are the best dog owner ever! Our English Bulldog was the compromise in our home, and it was a mistake on my part. Big dogs are a mess, seriously, a big fat mess. I am on your side my friend, sorry Jacob. :)
How bout 2 dogs?! ;)
That dog is Huge!! It would be like having a horse living in your back yard! That little dog almost looks like a rat next to the big dog.
Hey how have you been?Stacy what happened to your other dog? Don't get a big dog! They are really worse then a baby. You can't do anything because you have watch it all the time. They also chew on everything or destroy it.
stacy i found you. this is brittany (lynn's sister-in-law) and i am with you (little dog).
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