About a month ago my niece Aly came home with some news she was rather excited about. I guess once you are in the 3rd grade you can compete to be in the school spelling bee competition. Each class from 3 grade up gets to pick one student to represent them in the competition. Well my little Wish (that is Aly's nickname) won for her class!! Since Aly has to be perfect at everything she does Aly has been studying and has taking this very seriously. Well today was the day of the big SPELLING BEE! I really wanted to go and support my little spelling super star, but at the same time I was afraid to go because I knew if Aly missed a word she would be so hard on herself and start to cry, which in turn would break my heart too. Well I ended up going because I knew Aly would just rock. I showed up and there she was my sweet little Wish in the front row 2nd speller. The 1st little girl missed her word so it was Aly's turn. They gave her unity to spell and she got it!!! YEAH!!!! I was so excited and happy but then I realized that from now on Aly would be the 1st to spell! YIKES WHAT PRESSURE. (maybe not for her, but it sure was for her mom and me) As the spelling bee went on I realized that she was competing against all the kids in 4th, 5th and 6th grade too!!! Well the 3rd round starts and Aly get the word pumpernickel (Which by the way I just had to spell check) and she got it! This round most of the other children missed there word so it ended up putting Aly in the top 3 with 2 other 6th graders. So there she is my little 3rd grade spelling genius sitting next to two huge 6th graders!!! Well she received her last word toboggan. Which she missed but who cares she got 3rd place against all those other children older then her!!! I always knew she was a genius, but now I have proof. WAY TO GO ALY WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!!!