Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy news!

We have some good news after some not good news....I guess I will start from the beginning. Jacob and decided a few months ago that it was time to add to our family. After a couple of weeks I felt like randomly taking a pregnancy test. When it came up positive I was ecstatic and very excited. I quickly text Jacob a picture and just like that we were going to be a family of 5. Unfortunately a few days later I had some very heavy bleeding and my doctor wanted me to come in. They drew some blood and then they wanted me to come back in a few days and they would draw some more to see if it was a miscarriage or not. The Dr called me back after the 2nd test and confirmed what we already knew that I had miscarried. The bleeding started the day before valentines day so now everyone who knows how much I love the holiday knows why randomly this year I just didn't feel like going out. I always thought that if that happened to me I would be a mess. I am pretty surprised at how well I took it. I remember thinking over and over to myself that if I was miscarrying this was a good thing. My body is healthy and recognizing that something isn't right about this pregnancy. I strongly believe that I was receiving great comfort from my father in heaven.

Jacob to brighten my spirits said, "well since you are not pregnant lets get in a trip to Disneyland before you are pregnant, and this time you can ride all the rides!" (I know he was a sweetheart) So this also explains or very quick and very sudden out of no where trip to Disneyland! I figured that since I had a miscarriage that it would be a few months before I could or would get pregnant again. However just a month after finding out a was pregnant I  woke up feeling like I wanted to take a test. I honestly thought I couldn't be pregnant, but I took the test just to make myself stop thinking about it. You could only imagine my complete and total shock when I looked at the test a few minutes later and it said this...
Jacob and I are very, very excited to be expecting another baby this November.

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