Last year Eli had so much fun acting out the Green Eggs and Ham book that we decided to make it a tradition. I made the boys some green eggs and ham, then we set out to do rhymes to see if Eli and Liam would eat it. This is what we came up with...I know some of these are a stretch...
Would you could you on your knee? Would you could you near a tree?
Would you could you with a car? Would you could you if it wasn't going too far?
Would you could with near a pot? Would you could you deep in thought?
How about with a hose toughing your nose?
Would you could you with your dad? Would you could you looking mad?!?
Would you could you on your bootie? Would you could you sitting on a cutie? (Eli thought of this one!)
Would you could you with a flower? Would you could with Jack Bauer?
Would you could with a pig while you dig?
Would you on a rock while you talk?
They LOVE green eggs and ham. They also were dressed all in green and had green milk