As Eli has grown up I have kept track of everything, his first smile, laugh, the first time he saw rain, get the idea. So I thought it would be easy to mark when he first started walking. Eli is officially walking however I don't know when to really mark it down. He started taking steps early July around the 4th. Then it was like he lost all interest, crawling was faster so he just went back to crawling. Then around the end of July he would take steps again here and there. When Jackie got here after about a week he really started to walk around. Eli didn't join in right away, however I think he realized that he should start taking walking more seriously. I am not sure when Eli became an official walker, when he started taking steps? or went he tried moving around the room? or was it when he was really good. Who knows!! Since I am not really sure when he started walking I don't have the official first steps recorded, but I did take some today. He walks much better then he does in the video, but the camera distracted him I think.
5 years ago