Thursday, October 21, 2010

Prayer's and the Still Small Voice

In the midst of our move Jacob had this bright idea to sell his car. Ok the idea was good and I understand it, but I feel the timing was poor. Anyway in the midst of the move he sold his car and once we moved in Brad's went to go deposit the check only to realize he miss placed it! Now Jacob and I do not have loans on our cars so this was a significant amount of money! We were just sick about this. We spent hours going through papers boxes and checking places over and over again only to not find the money over and over again. We just kept praying that we would find it or that since they were cashier's check that in 90 days we would be able to get them reissued. We finally gave up on looking for the checks and kept praying that everything would be ok. Jacob and I had countless conversation and I hate to admit it but fights about this. Finally we just decided this was a huge life lesson and we just needed to learn from it and move on.

The next day after we had made arrangements to start to process of getting the money back in 90 days I was cleaning in Eli's room. I felt like everything needed to be dusted so I left my task I was in the middle of and started dusting Eli's room. I came to his bookshelf and saw there were some of Jacob's books in there. I thought that was worried so I picked them up and put them on the floor to take upstairs latter. As I was putting it on the floor I noticed that my Young Woman's Manual was at the bottom and I thought randomly how cool it would be if the check was in there. I even started to dust again and I thought oh what can it hurt to look. I opened up the book and opened it directly to the page that was holding the envelope with all the money! I immediately started crying and called Jacob to tell him the good news. Then I went in with Eli and Liam and prayed again thanking Heavenly Father for answering our prayers.

I want to remember this story for a lot of reasons. One of them is to remember to always go to the bank right way. Next and most important is to listen to that still small voice when you hear it, This was a nice little reminder that our father in Heaven hears and answers our prayers! These are the things I learned from this and I want my boys to learn them as well.

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