That's the magic number that sent us to the Emergency Room in the middle of the night. Poor little Eli has been fighting the croup for the past week or so and just when Jacob and I thought it was almost over Eli started becoming very clingy and a little fussy. Eli is not like that at all so we knew something was up. Yesterday afternoon around 1 I went to pick up Eli and he was burning hot so I took his temperature and it was 103.8. I gave him some Tylenol and put him down for his nap hoping the Tylenol would do the trick. When he woke up from his nap he seemed much happier and his temperature had dropped down to 100.8. So I figured that would do the trick and he would be ok.
Jacob had made plans to help my dad in the temple last night so I thought Eli would be find and I told him to go help. I took the boys to the grocery store then on the way home Eli wanted to go to the park so I hurried put up my groceries and took the two boys and Buddy to the park. Eli didn't do much playing and actually acted like it was 20 degrees out. He was shaking and shivering. I finally talked him into leaving so we went home. I figured Eli could watch a movie and I could put Liam down for a little nap and I could get things done. So that is what I did once Liam woke up I called Aly to try to run to Sam's since I knew Eli would not like to go so late. While I was at Sam's I grabbed and ICEE for the little man to see if he would drink that (up till now I could not get Eli to eat and drinking was sparse). When I got home things took a turn for the worse. Eli has really hot again and this time wouldn't let go of me. So the rest of the evening consisted of me holding both boy and running around trying to comfort them both and get them ready for bed. Did I mention I had to hold both while nursing and Eli wouldn't let Liam touch him! That was a task all in itself. I tried to wait for Jacob to get home to give him a blessing but finally after reading several books Eli basically begged me for bed so I figured let the child sleep and see what happens.
When Jacob got home he figured the plan I made was perfect and we would stick to that. Around 3 am Liam woke up hungry so I fed him. No sooner did I get back to sleep did I hear Eli start screaming! I ran in there and he felt even hotter then ever and he said he was freezing. I decided it was time to head to the hospital. So Jacob, Eli and I left and my mom took Liam while he was sleeping. We got in really quick at the hospital and the doctor said his temp was 104 and that he need to get chest x-rays and blood work done. Eli hated both of these. He would cry look at me and say, "Mommy help me!" I hated hearing that but I just kept trying to talk to him and calm in down. He actually was fine because as soon as I was the only one touching him he stopped crying. After all was said and done the doctor said it looked like just a virus and said Motrin and fluid should do the trick, and sent us home. We headed home around 7:30 a.m. I told Jacob on the way home basically we paid $150 (our co-pay at the ER) for peace of mind.
Today was supposed to be our first day at our new church but since I got zero sleep and Eli was sick I stayed back with the boys and Jacob went to church. The rest of the day has been a lazy day just laying around and relaxing trying to catch up on some much needed sleep. Oh yeah and Eli is much much better and happier. His fever is pretty much gone now and he got a good nap and is eating again...YIPPEE!!
4 years ago
1 comment:
Karlee had that exact thing happen in May. Her temp spiked so high that she started turning purple but was burning up. I felt the same way about forking over all that money for them to tell me it was just a virus and to give her tylenol. Glad it wasn't anything worse!
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