Friday, November 7, 2008

Our Dear Sweet Eli.

Oh our sweet little boy! You brighten our lives so much. Tonight while I was holding you Eli, you started to fall asleep. With your eyes only a sliver open you started to giggle. I smiled back at you and you put the biggest grin on your face. I am still unsure if you were dreaming or if I caught you the moment just before you dozed off. If you were dreaming I wonder if you were thinking about us playing with you or some other memory you love. Either way I know you are sleeping and dreaming peacefully.

**This is not the first time you did this. The first time you did it your dad said, "We are so lucky to have such a happy and content baby." I couldn't agree more.***


Veronica said...

What a sweet little baby. I love that post!

Charlee said...

Now you know why I have so many little ones. They growup so fast and I miss that stage. He is so sweet.

laura said...

Haha. I hope my next baby is as content and happy as he is! He is so sweet.

Katie said...

Sweet post.

Elliot and Cami said...

That was so sweet. I love those special moments! It seems like they happen 10 times a day!

The Brennan Family said...

those are so cute! he is such a cute boy! congrats! :)