The last two nights I have had a really bad sore throat therefore, I have not been getting very much sleep. Jacob was really helpful this morning with getting our family ready for church. He made me breakfast and got Eli ready for church. Just before we left Eli made some very questionable noises in his diaper so Jacob basically made 3 diaper changes before we even left. Then during Sunday School Jacob was holding Eli and we heard a very loud blow out. Everyone started looking at us like what the heck and Jacob made a funny face and pointed at me like I did it. (I didn't know he did this) Jacob then took Eli out and changed his diaper. He came back a few minutes later and a lady in our ward wanted to hold him. So she took him for a few minutes. While she was holding him there was a moment when the room was very quiet. It was at this moment that Eli decided to fill his diaper yet again. This time it was so loud that EVERYONE turned and looked at us! We couldn't help but to start cracking up laughing. Jacob again took Eli out to change his diaper. For the record that is 5 diapers before 11:30.
After church we went to my parents house for lunch. After lunch I looked out the window and I saw this...

Lee and Chase decided they were going to work on their tans!! I thought this was to funny. I did not grab the camera fast enough because when I first saw them they had their paints pulled up so they could get more color on their upper thighs...classic!
Oh Eli in that little brown outfit is TOO CUTE!!! I just wanna squeeze him! You guys are such good sports doing the 102 thing - I loved Eli's bum sign, priceless.
That's hilarious. I love catching guys doing something they would never want anyone to see. Little Eli is such a cutie and getting so big. Love all the blowouts...arent' they the best?!
We dealt with the same diaper situation on saturday! poor lil guys
Talk about crazy diapers! It always cracks me up when they start making questionable noises in church for everyone to hear. Jake points at me too, it must be a guy thing. It was so fun to see you at the shower. Hope you're doing well.
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