Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Guess Who's 9 Months?!?

My little Liam bug is growing up so fast on me. I feel like the last few months Liam has really grown into his personality and I have so much fun with him. Now since birth I have always said I can just feel how much this little boy loves me. There is no doubt that I am his favorite. Now I would be lying if I said that has changed. I am still Liam's #1 my mom even jokes and says I am his universe. However things are changing and Liam is started to go to others. Now he has always liked other but as long as he was in my arms. Now he actually will crawl to them, let them hold him with out crying and has even found things about each person that he loves. For example, he loves his daddy because he plays fun game with him, Papa because he always has glasses or a pencil in his pocket, Stephanie she always has a necklace on, and Nana maybe it's her hair and she takes him outside. Any way the kid is cute, and funny. He give hugs and kisses all day long. He just looks at me smiles and hugs me. The other day I was just talking to Jacob hold him and Jacob was like look at him I can't believe that. Liam was just kissing my face the whole time. He just does it so much I didn't even notice. (which makes me sad....I should always notice the wonderful kisses coming from my baby!)

As with every milestone right now in Liam's life comes a nice little doctor's visit. We went to see our doctor just to get a little check up and see how is growing and just make sure our little man is continuing to grow happy and healthy!

Liam's current stats are:
Head: 18 1/4 75th%tile
Weight: 21 lbs 15 oz 75th%tile
Height: 29 1/2 in 75th%tile

So as you can see Liam is "well rounded". The doctor joked so he is a little tall, but his weight and head are keeping up. At the visit I Liam had been running a little temp and they doctor checked his ears and found our the little man had a little earache. They also took some blood to check his iron, and the results showed he was a little low there so now I have to give him these little iron supplements...which he does not like. However I quickly follow up with his ear medicine and he LOVES that. I am bummed he is low on iron but the doctor says that is totally normal at this age so I am trying to not beat myself up about it, but I have notice I myself has started eat A LOT more red meat.!
Things I want to remember...
  • Liam loves his brother Eli. I would have to say Eli or myself would be his favorite person. He laughs and Eli all the time and trying to crawl and wrestle with him. Most the time he really loves to just join in on whatever his big brother is doing.
  • Liam loves food. He eat pretty much everything. He still nurses in the morning and night with a few snacks here and there but other then that it is all about what everyone else has on their plate.
  • He is standing moving a long furniture really nicely now. I have seen him try to stand up in the middle of the room, but only twice. I am hoping he wants another two months before he starts walking...we will just see.
  • He likes to go to the Aquarium just like his big brother he just stars at all the fish. I think he really likes the sting rays.
  • He climbs the stairs. I honestly think he knows it's a big deal and you can hear him get excited whenever he is down near the stairs. He pretty much bolts for them with a happy little laugh as he starts to climb. Then when he gets to the top you can hear the excitement and joy in his voice.
  • I was surprised to see he was in the 75th I thought for sure he would have been in the 90's since I just moved him in to 18 month old clothes! That right Liam officially can not wear anything below 12 months and most things he is currently wearing are 18 months.
  • I would say his favorite place to play is the bathroom...I know gross. He likes to stand by the toilet or climb in the shower. Don't really know why, but Eli seemed to like the bathroom too.
  • Liam currently has 7 teeth. He has 4 on top and 3 on bottom. I can see he is about to cut more on the bottom but they have not popped out just yet.
  • Liam sleep through the night 99% of the time. The only time he doesn't is when he is sick and even then he just makes a sad little whimper for a few seconds then goes back to sleep. He does wake up early so I am for sure working on pushing that back.

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