Tuesday, June 29, 2010

1 month

Today Liam turned one month old. I can't decided if this month has gone by fast or slow. At times it seems to be moving at light speed and others the speed of a snail. I guess both ways are nice. On one hand I get to enjoy these little moments with my little Liam being so tiny, and on the other the time of surviving on minimum sleep is zooming by. Liam is a sweet baby I have the most fun with him when he is in the bath. He coos, looks around and just is so content. He is fun right after he eats, and he loves to look at me and I talk to him. Liam is not so fun when he is tired, ex specially when he is fighting his sleep...which happens often. I call this his split personality. When he does this I just hold him close and try my best to help him stop crying. Sometimes it is hard and other times I find it very easy. I am sure this has a lot to do with how much sleep I get or how Eli is behaving.

Liam has started to smile more like smerk. He does this most often when I am talking to him, but sometimes he does it if you play with his hands. He loves his brother's voice and when he hears him I can tell he is looking for Eli. Once time I put Liam in the car and as I was loading Eli Liam say him and let out a big coo. Eli looked at him like what was that. I told him Liam said hi to him and Eli loved it he smiled and cooed back at him. Sometimes When Liam is in his split personality I can hear Eli saying it is ok baby brother, it's ok. Other times I have seen him putting the Binky in his mouth. It is cute seeing him try to help.

I have this App on my phone and it keeps track of all of Liam's info in one month Jacob and I have changed 289 Diapers. He has nursed for 4 days 4 hours and 59 Minutes or 276 times. The average nursing time is 21 minutes and I nurse for an average of 3 hours and 15 minutes per day! Liam has also drank his first bottle and loved it. He has gone to church and the young women love him. Everyone says he looks just like his brother. I am not sure about that, but I do say he is a little Italian version of him. My brother Lee insists that Liam is his twin...I guess time will tell who the little man looks like.

Our future Missionary

His brother gives him LOT of kisses.

He is actually crying in this picture, but lets just pretend like he is sleeping


sara said...

Okay, that diapers/nursing app is just amazing!! I used to wonder when I had my babies how much time all the nursing takes; sometimes it seems like that's ALL you do! And diapers... I used to try to keep track of how much $$ we spent on diapers & formula for our twins (they nursed for the first few months but then it was LOTS of formula!) but I never could get a very accurate total. It adds up though huh.

Liam's such a cutie!!

The Richins Family said...

wow that's a lot of diapers. i swear i just phase all that out the first few weeks...i think from all the exhaustion.
he sure is cute. i could see a little bit of lee, but not his twin...good one lee. he looks like Eli with darker skin. he is getting chunkier, oh how i love their squishy and plump skin.
i hope you are doing well stacy!