Yesterday was election day and it was a busy and eventful day for the Ash family. Our Day started off Eli having a rough night so we (Eli & I) slept in until 8:30 or so. Once we got up Jacob went down to our prescient to get in line so we could vote and Eli and I would not have to wait too long in line. Once Jacob called us Eli and I jumped in the car and headed down there to meet up with him. We waited about 30 minutes in line and then it was our turn. Our ballot went something like this...McCain/Pailin CHECK, Prop 102 YES (ok we voted on a lot of other things, but those were the two main ones.) When we got home I rushed to get ready because we volunteered to pass out YES on 102 stuff and hold signs at another precinct in our ward boundaries. Once I was ready we headed off to Neely Elementary were we spent the next two hours doing this....

YES ON 102!!
Prop 102 is a proposition that states marriage in our state only recognizes a marriage between one man and one woman.

These were our fellow Yes on 102 supporters. On the far left is Carly (her husband is behind the camera. We ran into them while they were headed inside to vote. (They did not sign up for this job but Jacob talked them into joining us) On the far right is Bob my parent's neighbor.
Believe it or not I actually had a wonderful time out there supporting this cause. We only got yelled at twice. Jacob says they don't count but I think they do. The first one was a little kid who yelled out of his car "NO on 102" Then shortly after that a lady walking in on her cell phone yelled NO on 102 as well. These both happened in our 1st 20 minutes of being there so I thought for sure there would be more, but nope that was it. We received a lot of thumbs up and winks so it was nice.
Eli is only 3 months but he is still keeping up with the rest of the Ash's on his politics.

On his bottom Eli sported a Yes on 102 sticker and on his front his shirt said...

Eli was sporting a shirt that said Ash for House, his Papa's Cece's campaign slogan. Don't let this picture confuse you he was really excited!
Obama is our new president, Prop 102 Passed and Florida's Prop 2 passed (same as prop as 102) California's Prop 8 (marriage amendment) is still too close to call but the "Yes" vote is currently pulling ahead, and Cecil Ash is officially a State Legislator. Congratulations Cecil!!!
Ever since I found out McCain would be the Republican ticket and Obama the Democratic I was concerned for this country. I kept thinking how on earth can I vote for either one of these men. Then I changed my mind and I thought it is better to vote for the lesser of two evils than sit back and do nothing. As the election drew closer I started loosing sleep thinking about the upcoming election. I was just so concerned about where this country Jacob and I are raising our son in was heading. Jacob and I prayed often that the people of this country would be guided in what the best decision for us at this time would be. I was still nervous until this past weekend at Stake conference. Our Stake president said that all the Democrats he knew said that if McCain wins the world is over and the Republicans said that if Obama wins that our world is over. He continued his statement by saying trust me we will be just fine no matter who is elected. I thought about this for a while and realized that I was one of those people.
After hearing Obama was our president I accepted the results. My thoughts turned to the 12th Article of Faith for comfort and guidance. I knew he was our new president and that I was to support this man in his efforts. For months I stressed over who our president was going to be and once the result came in is the only time I found peace. I slept well last night. I slept well because what was truly important(prop 102, 8 and 2) had all passed. Jacob asked me if I would rather the props pass or McCain be president and I replied the props to pass with out a doubt. I think the words at conference and Jacob's question were truly answers to my concerned prayers.I Prayed last night and will continue to pray for our new president as he will soon be making some very important decisions.