Monday, May 5, 2008

Aly's 9th B-day

Aly's 9th birthday was on Thursday. So on Friday she had a birthday party which Jacob and I were invited to. Her party was so cute, and all her idea!! It was a movie night with her friends. So her parents rented a projector, put up an white sheet and made like a little backyard theatre. Then they got a popcorn machine, a Bahama bucks machine for shaved ice, tons of candy, and pizza. It was so cute and it looks like everyone had a great time.

I took these pictures before all the kids showed up, but it was a cute set up as you can tell.

The concession Stand

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALY. We hope you had a wonderful birthday and birthday party.


Brette said...

Happy Birthday Ally. This is a really cute idea! She did a great job planning it. There back yard is huge! I had no idea you could rent Bahama Buck's machines? I wouldn't mind digging into one right now! It looks like the kids had a great time.

Kenyon said...

What a CUTE party! That is a GREAT idea! Happy Birthday to Ally!!!

Annie said...

Don't worry, things have gotten better. It's been in the 70's since Saturday. The weather shouldn't be too bad for our Arizona girl!