Thursday, July 30, 2009
Today is Jacob's birthday! He turned the big 26!! Jacob said he was ok with this birthday (we both actually still get confused how old we are) he said his scary age is 27. (he is so funny) So we started of the day with me going to the dentist and Jacob working (I promise it gets better) Then we met up to eat lunch at Red Robbin. Jacob wanted to eat there because they mailed him a birthday coupon so he wanted his free burger. Then we got Eli and headed out to Tempe market place. We went to his favorite running store and got him some running shorts, and then went to his favorite store of all time BEST BUY. We spent sometime there looking around and then ended up buying some movies (I don't think we ever go there without buying Jacob a few movies) a new Wii game and a new TV. We were not really looking for a TV, but we did need a new one in out bedroom and they had this great deal so we bought it. It is nice and Jacob is VERY excited! At 6:30 we met up with my family to eat at Guru Palace this Indian food restaurant Jacob likes. My family never had Indian food before so it was nice trying it with them. All and All I think Jacob had a wonderful birthday. Happy birthday mister I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The D-back game
On Monday night Jacob got some tickets to the D-back game from Brad. We were given 6 so we invited two other couples, Chase & Shalyse, and Preston & Kelly. We went and ate a very healthy dinner and by healthy I mean IN N OUT Burger (What were we thinking???) Then headed off to the game. Like true Ash form we had a hard time finding the parking lot that we had a pass for so why would it be any different this time! I am sure everyone (ex specially Chase) thinks I am a crazy driver. I almost ran a red light, and turned the wrong way on a street!! I don't like Phoenix what is the benefit of a one way street?!!?!? Anyway we got there and then got lost in the place because we went to the wrong box. Finally we found our seats and they rocked!! We were right behind the Phillies 4th row!! We had a lot of fun!
Dog sitting
9/22/09 update on Juno damage. Juno also ate a sprinkler head to our lemon tree. It has since died, and now we only have our grapefruit tree. Jacob still does not ask or want a dog.
Monday, July 27, 2009
1 year check up
- Last time I went in for a well visit I got a new Dr. Auxier I loved him then, and I love him even more now. He is a great doctor. Has tons of advice, very helpful, spends time with you and I just plain like the way he does things.
- Dr. Auxier gave me a mommy talk it was nice because he always warns me of things that are going to happen so I am ready. He gave me a pep talk to help me through the next 18 years. Some major pointers from this pep talk were: how to deal with fits, time outs, feeding, weaning, adjusting to a less cuddly baby...things like that. It was really cute and helpful
- Eli got two more shots. One in each arm. He hated it and screamed until we left the exam room. However as soon as I opened the door Eli stopped crying and was smiling. The girl who gave him shots was outside the door and he had already forgiven her I know this because he started smiling and flirting with her again.
- Eli is cute and I love him!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Da Da Happy Birthday Eli
These are all the pictures from the first part of his birthday...
- How cute and excited Eli got the 1st time we sang happy birthday to him. I am 100% positive that he had no idea what it meant, but he sure loved everyone looking and singing at him.
- Eli's sweet spirit. He is truly I loving sweet child. He likes to cuddle up on someone...ex specially me!
- Aly and Ethan got him a truck that he just loves. Along with the truck Aly made him a card which said, "Dear, Eli, I hope you have a great first birthday! I'm so excited that I get to see you!" Have fun from Aly. Aly and Eli have become little buddies. Since she was gone in Peoria so much he hasn't got to see her so they have missed each other very much. Oh yeah and Aly put $1 in there because Eli turned one! How cute.
- I also want to remember how hard, fun, rewarding, stressful, funny, and exciting this past year with Eli has been. Even though I am tired or it is just plain harder to go places now it is all worth it to have this sweet baby boy in our home and lives.
- My dad and Eli share the same birthday. I think that is such a sweet think for Eli to share with his Papa. They love each other so much!
- How fast a year goes by. I want to soak up my baby and enjoy him I don't want to look back and think I missed to much or made him grow up to fast. I want to enjoy these sweet tender moments with him.