Today I walked by the sign twice and showed Eli again. He still gets very excited. This is such a neat thing, because I know Eli knows who he is!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Eli Find's a Familar Face
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Newest Toy & Funny Pic
Then we went to the toy Eli to see if there was anything Eli would love. We found this ball and started playing this game with him. He was started laughing so hard to Debbie got video of it. I then walked around the store wondering if I should buy the ball that was only $2.50. Eli saw the ball in my hand right before we left and he went crazy with excitement and I knew I had to get it.
When we got the ball home this is the face Eli made when he saw it at his house(look at how big he has opened his eyes), and the laughter that followed.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Eli and I are becoming Zoo Rats
Ever since Eli and I received or Zoo pass from Jacob we have gone at least one time every week! Eli greatly enjoys the outdoors and I enjoy changing things up. Each time we have gone we have invited a new little friend along, because we can get them in for free. So far we have gone with Ethan, Aly, Cecil, Katie, Jordan, Carson, the Ray's & a few of Ale Ray's friends. Here are some pictures of our trip with the Gilmore's.
Eli does not have all of his hair yet so I got him these cute little baseball hats to protect his little head from getting burned. They are still a little big on him, but I love how cute he looks in them.
Monday, March 9, 2009
I'm a Big Kid Now.....OR SO HE THINKS!
Linda (also known as Nana to Eli) bought Carson a fun little toy that he can play with whenever he comes to her house. Eli saw Carson playing on this and became very interested. So I decided I would let him sit on it (with me holding him of course). Eli LOVED IT. He was smiling and going crazy. I quickly learned that he could sit there by himself and he quickly learned all the buttons he could push. After a little while I started pushing him around the room fast. At first I think he was like what the heck is going on but soon he thought it was fun and loved this toy.
Friday, March 6, 2009
New things
Since Eli has been changing so much lately he has a few new trick or things he does.
- The first new thing is he started to pull himself up to a standing position by himself. All the sudden one day Jacob and I were watching TV and we look over and Eli is standing up at the couch. This is when we realized what he could do, but this all kind of started about a week before today. Whenever Jacob or myself were sitting on the ground he would try and crawl over us....always funny to watch. (the pictures of Eli standing up below are hilarious because he got stuck under our ping pong table and didn't know how to get out. I love how worried his little face is.)
- Eli normally nurses for a few minutes before he goes to sleep well since I play volleyball on Wednesday nights now obviously Jacob can not use this little trick to put him to sleep. One night I got home and asked Jacob how it went he replied, "Wonderful. He would just play on the ground look at me and smile then once I noticed him rubbing his face in the ground I knew it was time to put him to sleep. I just put him in his crib and closed the door." Jacob also said that even when he was tired and rubbing his face and eyes he would still look up and smile at him...SO CUTE.
- Like I said before Eli has out grown his little bath, and honestly he has outgrown the entire sink. So one day I put him in the tub to see how he would do in the big tub all by himself. Eli did and great job now every bath is in the tub complete with bubbles and toy! Jacob also likes bathing him now because he doesn't cry and he isn't too big for the bath.
- The final trick is the video of Eli fake coughing. YES FAKE!! Now that he eat A LOT of what I do (whenever I eat something he thinks he needs to be eating too) sometimes he chokes or coughs a little. Obviously he noticed how quickly he gets my attention and so now he does a fake little cough every time he realizes I am not looking at him!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Sunday Afternoons, and Sunday Naps
I love it when Eli lifts his eyebrows like this!
Lions, and tigers and Bears...OH MY!!
These last two pictures I took because the first is of the pink bird. For a while it's head was hiding and we all wondered if it was Cotton Candy or food for the birds. It was CRAZY!! The second if of this Monkey. Jacob heard the trainer say he was going to feed them shortly so we sat there and watched them for a while. It was funny to watch them and these one was so hilarious just relaxing on the edge annoyed the trainer wasn't feeding him yet.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Pay if Forward
the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive, at some point during the year, a handmade gift from me! What it will be and when it will arrive is a total surprise! The catch is that you must participate as well. Before you leave your comment, type up a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going. Then come back and let me know you are going to play! Then sit back and anticipate the arrival of your gift! (Please leave your e-mail address in your post to me!) On your Mark... Get Set... Go!!!